Paragraphology® is the study of writing through color-coding. Paragraphology® is a multisensory, comprehensive, scaffolded approach to writing and note-taking that can be easily utilized by children, teens, college students, and adults. Students are systematically taught a formula that guides them through the process of writing a basic paragraph to a comprehensive understanding of the five-paragraph essay. Through scaffolding, repetition, and practice of reading quality examples, producing work of their own, coding and unlocking writing prompts, and dissecting expository text, students learn the writing process inside and out.
Developed in 2006 by expert faculty Bridget Barley, current Director of Middle School, Jemicy teachers utilize Paragraphology® across disciplines. Students use the color-coding method to support the writing process for science labs and note-taking in social studies classes.

The approach has been taught to other teachers, schools, and districts nationwide, and Jemicy faculty have presented the concept of Paragraphology® at conferences and workshops to teachers, parents, and professionals from around the globe.
6th Grade
Students review basic sentence structure and grammar and utilize these skills to write basic and expanded paragraphs, layering in advanced level topic and concluding sentences. Once mastery is achieved, students progress through various paragraph types (classification, reason, compare/contrast, and sequential) using appropriate transitions. Students progress to a three-paragraph essay using their solid foundation of paragraph types to achieve success. After mastering expository writing skills through suitable topics, students transition to writing more analytical compositions.
8th Grade
Students engage in the writing process through practice with research and narrative essays, creative writing, and other writing projects. Paragraphology® is used to help students understand altered organization of writing assignments through color-coding prompts and creating organizers that allow for a theory, evidence, and explanation.
7th Grade
Once the overall process of Paragraphology® is internalized, students focus on drafting introductory and concluding paragraphs for lengthier writing assignments. These assignments prepare students for the task of developing thesis statements and five-paragraph essays. Students also begin to integrate research-based evidence, supported by citations and work-cited pages, into their writing.


If you are interested in learning about Paragraphology® training, worksheets, workbooks, and more, please contact Megan McGowan, Director of Outreach and Professional Learning at (410) 753-8029 or
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